Friday, May 14, 2010


Lambat sungguh rumah ni siap. Tak sabar nak pindah dan menjalankan aktiviti yang normal untuk orang pencen seperti take half an hour brisk walk(saranan doktor), pergi sembahyang jemaah (seperti di Mekah dulu), mungkin pergi kelas bahasa arab, kelas agama, kelas tajwid(supaya minda sentiasa aktif), berkebun sayur(nak makan makanan tanam sendiri, tak de racun).
Sudah pencen ni pendapatan dah banyak sangat kurangnya. Dari pendapatan RM >3,000 sudah tinggal RM 300 sahaja. Anak lelaki tengah cadangkan buat nasi lemak untuk dijual. Tengoklah kalau ada masa dan kalau larat.
Buat bisnes akan mengikat diri kita seperti masa kerja dulu. Rasanya malaslah. Bukan malas bekerja tapi malas nak commit.
Kalau boleh time pencen nilah nak buat apa yang kita suka seperti pergi world tour ke apa ke tapi tak mampu pulak. Tak pelah. Tak leh buat yang tu simpan duit gi umrah jelah. Sementara tu mungkin sesekali gi sembahyang jemaah di Kelantan dengan tuan guru Nik Abdul Aziz.
Ya Allah mohon kabulkan niatku ini sebelum aku dijemput kembali ke sisimu.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Be fair

Itulah memang tabiat rakyat Malaysia(bukan semua) suka mempercayai fitnah yang disebarkan oleh akhbar dan suka menjatuhkan hukum sebelum mahkamah.
Orang kehilangan anak tak kiralah dia baik ke jahat ke tetap anak dia. Who are we to say mak kakak dia patut buat itu ini? Adakah anak dia ditembak polis dan polis tu tahu dia tertembak, kemudian dia jumpa polis tu dan tepuk bahu polis tu ucap terima kasih, gitu?
Dia ada hak untuk bersedih mengapa kita persalahkan dia tanpa usul periksa. Macamlah kita kecik-kecik dulu kita baik sangat.
Anyway saya rasa betapa beruntungnya Aminulrasyid meninggal muda. Tak banyak dosa dia lakukan dan dapat bonos pahala dari orang-orang yang mengata-mengata dia
. Sekadar nak mengingatkan je. Kalau orang yang mengata Aminulrashid tu tak punya pahala maksudnya sentiasa berdosa dan tak pernah buat baik, maka dosa Aminulrasyid tu akan transfer pada orang berkenaan. Boleh refer kepada ustaz-ustaz yang lepasan tinggi tu.
Terima kasih Muhammad Nur Al-Amin. Sebenarnya saya dah bosan dengan kutuk mengutuk dalam internate ni. Tengok muka polis tu kesian pulak . Rekodnya bersih. Cuma polis dah silap langkah. Sepatutnya mereka jangan buat cerita bohong. Dah tersilap tak boleh buat ape lagi. Orang yang mati tak kan hidup semula walau kita hukum penembaknya. saya tak kata pembunuh sebab saya percaya ia tak disengajakan. Cuma sepatutnya mereka pergi cari keluarganya dan minta maaf sambil menangis. Kalau keluarganya orang-orang yang beriman, tentu dia dimaafkan. Mereka pun tahu mereka ada silap. Tak perlulah kita menambahkan kesedihan mereka by pointing out their mistake and telling everybody dalam alam cyber ni. Ingatlah Allah kutuk orang-orang yang memalukan orang lain.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This and that

A pat for the police
The point is we are not pointing who is at fault cos we know everybody is at fault. Pointing will not undo what is done.

I agree Aminulrasyid is a minor but we cannot sewenang-wenang accuse that the parents are at fault. As the malay saying goes "Bersangka baik" but as the example I told earlier he may be a good but stuborn boy like any other growing inquisitif children. Only parents know the meaning of loving your own child. Even if the child is at fault at the time of the said incidents do you think the parent should give the police a pat on the shoulder and thank them for shooting their son who is braking the law?

Of course our first reaction what big sin that he had done that he is shot dead? Did he kill anybody? Did he rob anybody and kill somebody during the action? Did he rape somebody's daughter that he deserved to be defamed in such a way?

Come on if you shot him accidently admit it. To err is human. We can accept that but do not creat stories that too rediculous to be accepted by our fikiran yang masih waras ini. Do not insult our inteligence.

When you dicover the mistake of killing somebody's love ones, the first thing to do is to cry with the tears streaming down the cheek and ask for forgiveness from the family. Of course the family will feel like killing you, that is normal. If they are true muslim they will forgive you. Worst come to worst you may get away with a few years sentence and the public will respect the police.

I wonder if Aminulrasyid's family call him adik as I call my own youngest son. Cannot bear the thought of him going in such a way even when he sometimes not taking my advice and agonised my feeling. Children sometimes think we worry unnecessarily. Sometimes looks like they do not appreciate our love but does this means that we should not feel very, very sad for losing him in such a way. As I told earlier are we suppose to give the police a pat for getting rid of him for us? Does he deserve this defamation when all the while he is not a manace the society yet? Because other youngsters are caught doing all the anti society activities and so the police have the right to classify him as such to justify their mistake.

Dear Old Good Cop - my father
My father(God bless his soul) was a good cop. But this does not make me blind to the wrong doings of other cops. They are human who make mistake too. And they are not above the law.

Refer to my earlier conversation about my youngest son always coming back late at night or early morning. Let him enjoy this freedom while he can because in a few months time when the new semester open he will continue his study and he had given his promise to me. Yes, he is not allowed to take his motorbike licence. So he friends fetch him and send back by their own motorbike or cars because they already got their licence and they are no more minors.I always remind him of the importance of not breaking the law and not to get into trouble with the police.
Anyway he only go to the nearest 24hr mamak restaurant and we always find him there when the two of us (me and my husband decide to have midnight supper).
But he did mention sometimes its the police who are troubling them.
Sometimes his friend was caught with expired roadtax which the friend forgot to renew and the pak chik polis doesn’t mind rm 5.00 duit rokok cos its the only cash they have. Being students they don’t earn a lot of money yet. They still depend on the parents for their pocket money.
I am telling this just show that we are human and we cannot pass judgement as it please us. If we hurt people today, someday we will be hurt real bad.

Hishamuddin Hussein Onn - Insulting women
All I can say is Hishamuddin Hussein Onn never make the proper use of his intelligence(baca: brain)when he open his mouth. Hishamuddin Hussein Onn said, when the police are shot they have no symphathy at all. He is wrong, they have all the sympathy from the public and more the family will have their pension if they die in the incidents.
But what is the mother of Amirulrasyid getting? Besides losing her beloved youngest son she is also losing the support and her future income from her dead child. She never get the chance to see him grow up or to mould him to be good citizen and to make his contribution or his mark for the country.
So the public must help her get justice done and to prevent future occurence of the same nature.
A minister should talk with more sense than this or the only woman who support him will be his wife. Lucky for the police that Mohamad Azizi Aziz survive the odeal or they will have to create another story to explain another death.
So what about the other incidents? In other words he is telling women are making a a mountain out of nothing whatever. May be we could suggest women carry guns to protect themselves in additions to trigger happy policemen.
You should be thinking the welfare of the RAKYAT and not let your emotions overrule you. The same goes to Musa Hassan. Looks like Malaysia is not so safe after all. I wonder why they don't declare dharurat so that we will have reason to stay inside the house and keep our family safe with us.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Aminulrasyid Amzah 11


At the wrong time and the wrong place.

Kepada keluarga janganlah bersedih. Redhakan kepergiannya kerana tuhan lebih menyayanginya. Walauapapun terjadi hanya Allah maha mengetahui dan ada hikmahnya. Kepada yang berdosa dan masih diberi peluang untuk meneruskan penghidupan, bertaubatlah. Pertelingkahan tidak akan menghidupkan yang telah pergi. Tetapi keadilan perlu ditegakkan akan jadi pengajaran kepada yang belum sedar.

Sebagai seorang ibu yang juga mempunyai anak aku menangisi kepergianmu.

Aminulrasyid Amzah
Namamu pemberian ibumu
Kurniaan Allah kepadanya 15 tahun yang lalu
Aminulrasyid Amzah
Air mataku menitis bersama kesedihan ibumu
Tiada simpati dari
Mereka yang tidak kenal kasih sayang
Aminulrasyid Amzah
Tenanglah engkau bersemadi di sana
Aminurasyid Amzah