Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Jangan sembarangan membuka pintu rumah atau pintu pagar untuk membenarkan orang asing masuk ke dalam kawasan rumah kita

Please be alert there is 2 suspicious Chinese man running around PJ area last seen today in BU12 area, they will come and knock on your gate and shout some random name saying he saw the person here and insist on letting them in to check. Obviously i did not let them and they soon left saying they will come back. Hopefully residential area around PJ would alert their guards about this 2 Chinese man my neighbors was able to get a glimpse of their car they drive a Silver Vios WLT 5489. Stay safe everyone. saya kongsi dari link ini

Photo: Please be alert there is 2 suspicious Chinese man running around PJ area last seen today in BU12 area, they will come and knock on your gate and shout some random name saying he saw the person here and insist on letting them in to check. Obviously i did not let them and they soon left saying they will come back. Hopefully residential area around PJ would alert their guards about this 2 Chinese man my neighbors was able to get a glimpse of their car they drive a Silver Vios WLT 5489. Stay safe everyone.

Awas!!! Taktik perompak yg baru. Dtg umah ckp suami suruh ambik brg. Bila tanya brg apa, dia ckp ssh nak bgtau, tp suami dh gtau letak kt mn. Sib baik si isteri masuk bilik call dlu suami tanya. Suami ckp x de pun suh ambikk brg. Isteri pun dh gabra, sib baik pandai cover bgtau perompak tu suami dh otw balik rumah, suh perompak tu tunggu. Pastu, apalagi...lari la si perompak tu..yg menakutkan bukan sorg jer..rupanya ramai lg yg menyorok kt tepi pagar dan atas kete..Sila pesan kt anak2 uols, jgn buka pintu pd org yg x dikenali.. Sama2 hati2 ok..saya kongsi dari link ini

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